Edward B. McLachlan graduated from the University of Manitoba with a BES degree in 1974 and a MLA degree in 1979. He was accepted as a member of MALA and CSLA in 1980 and has served both organizations continuously. He became Secretary of MALA in 1980 and was elected MALA President from 1982-84, when he also served on the CSLA Board of Governors. Following his past presidency from 1984-86, Ted accepted the chairmanship of the CSLA Task Force on Publications from 1988-89. For the past ten years, he has been involved in the operation of the CSLA Awards Program and became its chair in 1994. His efforts and dedication have developed it into a national program of continued high quality and success. Ted has also been active in the Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation, where he served on the Board of Directors from 1988-95. Following his graduation, Ted gained his practical experience as landscape architect by working for Hilderman Feir Witty & Associates until 1980, when he accepted the position of Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba. In 1987 he became Associate Professor. Aside from several funded research projects, Ted's personal research included wildlife habitat enhancement, perception and interpretation of prairie landscapes, evolution of prairie settlement patterns, as well as historic and cultural landscape preservation. Ted is currently Program Coordinator of the Fort Whyte Nature Centre. He has initiated many community service projects and has numerous publications and successful exhibitions to his credit.
Read the Winnipeg Architecture Foundation's Profile of this Landscape Architect