An open letter from CSLA Executive Director Michelle Legault about your membership benefits
October 2024
Dear CSLA Members,
On behalf of the Board of the CSLA, it gives me great pleasure to address you regarding our activities and your CSLA dues for this year. Thank you to our component association partners for including our message.
Once you become a member of a component association, you automatically become a member of the CSLA, the national association body. Your component association will collect annual dues on behalf of the CSLA. These dues are based on the needs of the CSLA and are therefore regulated by the CSLA Board. An agreement between the CSLA and component associations outlines the requirement of the components to invoice members the annual CSLA dues.
Both the national and provincial, territorial and regional associations play a distinct and important role in the profession, and we work together to ensure we meet our collective objectives. Furthermore, as some of the component associations move towards practice act legislation, their roles will become more defined based on their new legislation, and the CSLA will be there to take on activities which they will no longer manage. This will vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but could include important advocacy and celebration initiatives, and the ability to speak to national, regional, provincial, territorial or municipal policy through statements and positions.
The dues for 2025 are as follows:
Full Members | Associate Members | Student Members | Life Members |
$260 per year | $35 per year | FREE | FREE |
Your CSLA dues support several important programs with direct benefits to both individual members, the component associations and the profession as whole. Key areas include:
- Accreditation of Canada’s landscape architecture programs through the Landscape Architecture Accreditation Council (LAAC);
- Administration of the National Reciprocity Agreement;
- Advocating for the profession nationally, including representation on federal committees, policy development, benchmarking and the defense of the profession.
A comprehensive list of membership benefits can be found below.
The CSLA benefits from the volunteer work of many members! Please reach out to me directly and let me know your interests or respond to our frequent calls for volunteers.
Thank you for your support of your national and provincial, territorial and regional associations.
Sincerely yours,
Michelle Legault
CSLA Executive Director
CSLA Membership Benefits – The Highlights
A subscription to the quarterly LP print and digital magazine, a value of $120 yearly;
- Use of the CSLA Designation (for full members only);
- The CSLA website, which includes a job board, an online calendar of events and features historic information on the profession, biographies of landscape architects, and resources to support justice, equity, diversity and inclusion, reconciliation, climate adaptation and more.
- A subscription to the Canadian Landscape Standard, a value of $100 yearly, which is an indispensable tool to the success of any landscape project that is designed, built and maintained to this nationally recognized standard (reach out to communications@csla-aapc.ca for information on how to access your subscription);
- Eligibility for the CSLA Awards of Excellence, Student Awards and the National Urban Design Awards: Given out annually for outstanding accomplishments in landscape architecture;
- CSLA Congress with an opportunity to earn CE credits and, for students, travel grants to the congress. The annual congress is planned in partnership with a component association and provides opportunities for revenue sharing;
- Continuing education opportunities, including webinars, training sessions, resources and manuals with a focus on CSLA mission areas, such as reconciliation and climate adaptation
- A compensation and benefits report;
- A Report on the State of the Profession, providing important advocacy information for CSLA and the component associations;
- Component grants to support regional initiatives and respond to opportunities;
- Advocacy and political engagement on behalf of the profession, including participating in federal committees, publishing statements and positions on issues related to the profession, publishing briefs, and participating in national roundtables, committees and workgroups;
- A monthly bulletin and eblasts