Annual Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance

CSLA 2025 Pre-budget Consultation Brief Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance

The CSLA encourages you to meet with your MP to share these messages. Learn more about the advocacy tools the CSLA offers to members.

This year, the CSLA calls on the federal government to:

#1: Prioritize funding and establish criteria for housing policies and projects that foster resilient, healthy and complete communities. 

#2: Require that all civil and public works projects that receive funding from Infrastructure Canada fully explore the feasibility of nature-based solution alternatives. 

#3: Increase investment and support for ecosystem conservation and restoration. 

#4: Invest in policies and initiatives that promote reconciliation, justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion in the built environment to ensure that all communities have access to high-quality, sustainable, and inclusive public spaces. 

Read the full brief here.

CSLA's Previous Budget Recommendations

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