Artificial Intelligence and Landscape Architecture

Silhouette of a face overlaid with computer-generated dots

The rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to reshape many professions, including landscape architecture. From design efficiency and data-driven decisions to ethical considerations and potential job displacement, AI's influence is expected to be vast and multifaceted.

By embracing AI technologies, landscape architects can unlock new possibilities, optimize workflows, and create innovative solutions that shape the future of our environments. Engaging with AI means not only elevating your work but also redefining the very methodology of your design and implementation processes.

Canadian schools of landscape architecture are already integrating AI into their curriculum, preparing the next wave of professionals. This shift underscores the importance for practicing landscape architects to stay informed and adaptable, ensuring you remain at the cutting edge of your field.


Join the CSLA Artificial Intelligence Network


As we navigate this exciting juncture, the CSLA AI Network is intended to be a platform for sharing tools and resources, and a forum for discussions to help CSLA members thrive in this new landscape. Join us in exploring how AI can transform your practice, projects, and the future of landscape architecture.

Join CSLA AI Network

You can also register by scanning the following QR code on your mobile device:

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What are Canadian Landscape Architects saying about AI?

Word cloud depicting names of software that run on AIIn December 2023, the CSLA conducted a survey on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Landscape Architecture. We received an outstanding 411 responses to our survey! The high response rate speaks to the importance of the topic and the interest our members have in participating in future discussions on how AI is affecting practice, education, and research.

To learn more about the survey results, read Heather Braiden’s article here.


AI Resources

CSLA | AAPC 12 Forillon Crescent, Ottawa ON K2M 2W5