Michael von Hausen is a Canadian leader in innovative community planning, design, and development. He is President of MVH Urban Planning & Design - a global consulting practice that includes landscape architecture, planning, and urban design. Michael is also adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Island University. Michael was Senior Landscape Architect and Senior Planner at the City of Vancouver from 1991 to 2000 where he helped develop the first Greenways Plan for the City, among other initiatives, before he started his private practice.
Michael is a former President of the British Columbia of Landscape Architects and co-chaired the CSLA Awards of Excellence Committee in 2023. He received the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Research and Innovation Award in 2020 recognizing his outstanding leadership, research, and academic achievements.
Michael is also a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Planners, a LEED Accredited Professional, and a Certified Public Participation Practitioner. In 2023, his firm received two Gold Awards for planning excellence from the Planning Institute of British Columbia. Among other distinguished awards, his firm won the International Eco-City Design Competition for Huangshi, China in 2013.
As Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Island University, Michael advances his cutting-edge research, mentorship, and teaching. In addition, he facilitates the Urban Development Institute’s School of Development, Pacific Region. Michael is the author of four books including Dynamic Urban Design, Small Is Big: Making the Next Great Small to Mid-Size Downtowns, New Pathways to Approvals: Developing Better Communities Together, and Public Realm: The New Makers Handbook.
Michael graduated from the University of Guelph, BLA (with Honours), in 1978 and then completed his MLA in Urban Design at Harvard University in 1980 with a specialty in real estate development economics.
1 and 2: Huangshi International Eco-City Competition
3. Grand Forks Official Community Plan, Grand Forks, BC
4. North Gateway Plan, Penticton, BC
5. Grand Forks Community Centre Detail, Grand Forks, BC