Glenn Harrington

Year of Investiture:

With over forty years of experience as a landscape architectural consultant in Canada, Glenn Harrington is widely known for his innovative approach to environmental landscape design and for his skill as a facilitator in the public participation process. He is a recipient of the OALA Pinnacle Award and the Carl Borgstorm Award for Service to the Environment.

Mr. Harrington coordinates applications for gravel pits and quarries under the Aggregate Resources Act, including the preparation of site plans detailing proposed operations, environmental controls, and rehabilitation plans. He coordinates the work or large multi-disciplinary teams to identify social and environmental issues and to resolve these in the plan development and review process.

Mr. Harrington's areas of expertise include stream restoration, wetland creation, shoreline and aquatic stabilization and rehabilitation, resource planning, environmental and visual assessment, site planning, and storm water enhancement. He has a wide range of experience in designing and implementing urban and rural construction projects including natural area restoration and enhancement, especially in aquatic restoration projects.

CSLA | AAPC 12 Forillon Crescent, Ottawa ON K2M 2W5