College of Fellows

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College of Fellows Governance Documents

College of Fellows Jury

Click on the images of the jury members to learn more. 


















Executive Committee of the College of Fellows


Lynda Macdonald, OALA, OPPI, MCIP, FCSLA

Vice Chair

Jennifer Nagai, MBCSLA, FCSLA

Past Chair

Gordon Smith, APALA, FCSLA, MCIP


Wendy Shearer, OALA, FCSLA

Board Champion

Margaret Ferguson, NWTLA, FCSLA,

Executive Director

Michelle Legault, ex-officio

Nomination Categories

  • Executed Works of Landscape Architecture
  • Administrative Professional Work in Public Agencies or Government Service
  • Professional University Instruction
  • Professional Writing
  • Service to the Community or the Public on behalf of the Profession
  • Direct Service to the CSLA 

Brief History of the College

Election to fellowship first began in 1964 with the designation of four honourees. In the subsequent 15 years over 30 members had been elected, eliciting demand for a more formalized structure and process to the promotion of fellowship. It was at CSLA Congress 1979 in Charlottetown that the College of Fellows was formally established and the Rules for the Conduct of Operations were adopted. The rules structured and outlined the operation of the College, and developed guidelines for the advancement of members to Fellowship.

In accordance with the Rules for the Conduct of Operations, nominations for Fellowship may be presented to the College by the component organizations and/or the Board of Directors of the CSLA. The final selection is made by a jury of Fellows, comprised of representatives from Canada’s regions. The Fellows-Elect are then ceremoniously inducted into the College during the banquet or other special event of the next CSLA Congress. Since the inception of CSLA, a total of 270 Fellows have been elected.

Chairs | Présidents

1979-84     William E. Coates, OALA
1984-86     E. J. (Jack) Walker, SALA 
1986-87     James R. Taylor, OALA 
1987-89     Douglas D. Paterson, BCSLA 
1989-90     Jack D. Milliken, OALA 
1990-92     Leonard L. Novak, AALA 
1992-94     Ronald F. Williams, AAPQ 
1994-96     Peter G. Klynstra, APALA 
1996-98     Alexander Budrevics, OALA 
1998-00     Don Vaughan, BCSLA 
2000-02     Charles H. Thomsen, MALA 
2002-04     John B. MacLeod, AAPQ 
2004-06     Carolyn S. Woodland, OALA 
2006-08     Ronald J. Middleton, AALA 
2008-10      James Melvin, OALA 
2010-12       Peter Kreuk, BCSLA 
2012-14       Ted Baker, OALA 
2014-16       Wendy Graham, AAPQ 
2016-18       Alan Duncan, BCSLA
2018-20      Linda Irvine, OALA
2020-22     Peter Briggs
2022-24     Gordon Smith
2024-pr.     Jennifer Nagai

Jury Foremen | Présidents des jurys

1987-91         Cornelia Oberlander, BCSLA 
1991-93         Charles H. Thomsen, MALA 
1993-97     M. Garry Hilderman, MALA 
1997-00        Vincent Asselin, AAPQ 
2000-02     Jane Durante, BCSLA 
2002-11     Cary C. Vollick, APALA 
2012-16     Margot Long, BCSLA
2017-pr.     Heather Cram, MALA

Secretaries | Secrétaires

1979-89     Owen R. Scott, OALA
1989-91     M. Garry Hilderman, MALA 
1992-08     Gunter A. Schoch, MALA 
2008-15     Jane Durante, BCSLA
2015-pr.    Wendy Shearer, OALA






CSLA Updates the Term 'College of Fellows' in French: Going Forward, the Official Translation will be 'Collège des Fellows'

Recently, an AAPQ member suggested that the CSLA revise the French translation of the term 'College of Fellows', which is currently 'Ordre des Associés'. Used since the inception of the College in 1964, the French-language term has since changed in meaning. For example, while the term 'ordre' in French refers to a profession, the term 'associé' is now more and more popular in describing someone who works in a retail setting. 

In keeping with our objective of elevating the profession through election to the College, a review of the French term was undertaken, and the College of Fellows Executive Committee, CSLA Board, translators and staff agree that the official translation of 'College of Fellows' should be 'Collège des Fellows'. 

When elected to the College, landscape architects will, in both English and French, precede their CSLA acronyms with the letter 'F': FCSLA in English, FAAPC in French.

Over the coming months, the CSLA will update all the references in its website, and we would ask that, going forward, you update your biographies accordingly, should they require a change.

CSLA | AAPC 12 Forillon Crescent, Ottawa ON K2M 2W5